Gluten free breakfast for a powerful day

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Breakfast is the motor of your day; it will give you the energy to start your day fresh and energised. However, often we don’t have time to make a breakfast at all. I am the type of person that always runs out of time in the morning, so the faster my breakfast can be prepared the more likely I will have a breakfast. I have now found a perfect recipe to keep me running for a full morning without feeling hungry. So what do I make?

Avocado mousse with coconut and gojiberries

– 1 banana
– ½ avocado
– 2 tbs of coco rasp
– Small hand of gojiberries
– 1 cup of (nut)milk

– 1 spoon of honey
– 2 spoons of raw cacao
– 1 ts of Spirulina
– 1 spoon of bee-pollen
– Handful of nuts

What to do:
Cut the banana, put it in the blender. Cut the avocado in half, put it in the blender. Add the cup of milk. If you want to add additional things put in the honey, raw cacao, spirualina and bee-pollen. Blend till it becomes a smooth paste. Add more milk if necessary.

Take it out of the blender and put it in a bowl. Add the gojiberries and the coco rasp on top of the bowl. In addition you can add some nuts and extra honey.

You are ready to go! Enjoy!